Family Friday – Itsy Bitsy Spider

family friday itsy bitsy spider

This week’s Family Friday is fun for all ages. Just like in the song, race your spider up the water spout and see who gets to the top first! Read our step-by-step guide on how to play this game at home. Have fun!

Itsy bitsy spider

What you need:

  • Pre-made printable board game (here)
  • Scissors

Step 1

Open up your Footsteps2Brilliance App, and go to Level 1 (Red). In Karaoke Nursery Rhymes, find the book The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Read the book with your child. Be sure to touch the illustrations to see the pictures come alive, and record yourself singing along!

Step 2

Print out the pre-made printable board game (here).

Cut out the game cards and spider pieces.

Step 3

Now you are ready to play. Choose a spider and take turns drawing game cards.

Move your spider to the nearest matching board space until one spider reaches the ”FINISH.” Have fun!